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Tips to hire dedicated remote developers online

As remote work is increasingly popular, companies also prefer to hire dedicated developers from distant locations. Various platforms can help you find a pool of talent from across the globe. 

As remote working is gaining more and more popularity in the IT industry, more and more companies are offering their developers an option to work from remote environments.

A study conducted by Owl Labs reveals 16% of companies are working remotely on a permanent basis. And this number might be lower, but various studies suggest it will grow exponentially in the near future.

Moreover, many IT companies offer offshore hiring services for their employees, enabling remote working companies to complete their projects with offshore development teams. And this remote hiring model benefits IT companies in many ways.

Advantages to hiring dedicated remote developers

From cost-saving to skilled professionals and a rapid hiring process, there are various advantages of hiring dedicated remote developers from offshore IT companies.

Lower Infrastructure Expenses

Remote hiring is really a cost-effective option for startups because it helps eliminate the huge amount of expenses that companies spend to maintain in-office development teams and high-tech infrastructure.

The expense you spend on infrastructure development, office maintenance, internet charges, and electricity supply can be reduced to none when you hire remote developers.

Access to a vast pool of talent

The scarcity of talented and skilled professionals is a huge problem in the IT industry. However, if you hire dedicated remote developers for your web or mobile app development services, you can have access to a pool of talented web and mobile app developers from around the world.

As hiring experienced developers can not always be affordable to startups and small IT companies, a remote working environment can give them an opportunity to leverage the expertise of highly experienced developers who will be willing to work remotely.

Productive development

As remote developers have the freedom to work from anywhere and anytime they desire, they can provide more productive work than in-house developers. Studies have revealed that freelancers and remote workers are more productive than daily office goers.

This is because developers who work from the office often have to spend hours commuting from their place to the office and back. Plus, they have to work at a certain time, whether they are in a mood or not. All this adds up to decreased productivity.

Tips to hire dedicated remote developers online

When you hire a dedicated remote developer online, either from freelancing platforms or from established IT companies, you should keep these tips in mind.

Find the best fit for specific skills

Remote team hiring can be a true hassle. When you hire a dedicated remote developer, you have to take care of many things, one of them being looking for specific niche-related skills.

Moreover, apart from technical skills, you should focus on a few remote development skills. Some remote working skills which can help you hire remote developers are communication skills, collaboration skills, time management skills, organizational skills, and others.

Clearly put your development needs

A thoroughly written project description can save you a lot of time shortlisting candidates that do not suit your specific project requirements. Therefore, you should put your project development needs in a clear statement before you put your efforts into hiring remote developers.

You should mention time and location in the project description, so your potential candidates can check whether they will be comfortable working in this time zone or not. This also will help them to find the right company they want to work for.

Assess the Developer’s skills

Evaluating developers’ skills before hiring them for your web or mobile app development services, can help you ensure you have the right talent working on your project. If your background is other than IT, you can get help from a consulting firm, which will help you choose the right candidate.

There are various online tools available, which also can help you conduct tests before hiring a remote developer. Furthermore, you can check various coding platforms like CodeChef and HackerRank to assess how skilled the remote developer is.

Set up communication channels

Communication can be a real challenge in a remote working environment. With different time zones, distinct working schedules, language barriers, you may have a hassle communicating and collaborating with your hired remote developer.

While language barriers should be dealt with beforehand hiring, other communication challenges can be overcome with proper planning. Make sure you set up proper communication channels so that you don’t experience communication delays and other problems midway through the development process.

Determine whether the developer’s fit for the company’s culture and values

While you look for technical and other skills a remote developer should possess, you also should check whether the developer you are planning to hire is compatible with the culture and values of your organization.

To determine whether the candidate will be fit for your company, you should define what your company’s values and culture are first. Once you determine them, convert these ideas into evaluation tests and interview questions where you measure your ideal candidate’s skills.

Discuss Statement of Work

SOW or Statement of Work is a document that describes the project requirements, completion guidelines, and timeline in which the project should be completed. The SOW document helps match the right skill set needed to complete the project with the potential of hired remote developers.

The Statement of Work document should include all deliverables and due dates, tasks separated in milestones or that deal with the completion of the whole project, resources the development process will need, including software tools and equipment.

To Sum Up

Remote working is an increasingly popular working method, especially in the IT industry. There are many reasons or advantages that lead to this new-age working method, cost-effective development, increased productivity, and talented developers, to name a few.

Moreover, if you are thinking of hiring a dedicated remote developer in the near future, the tips that are mentioned above will help you choose the right developer for you.

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