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The Ultimate Tips To Buy The Best Quality Towel

Nothing can beat the heavenly feeling of stepping out of the long bath hours and getting into a soft, fluffy, and cozy towel. Also, such pieces of cloth are one of the most luxurious items which are easier to find and even much easier to afford. However, to find and purchase a luxurious towel in Malaysia, it’s important to understand the several factors related to them.

Towel shopping is more than just running your fingers around the soft fabric and picking the softest one from all. Here, you need to pay attention to several things that need to be considered to have the best quality towels. From your personal preferences to a specific use. Also, you need to ensure how soft, durable and absorbent they are.

Besides, there are endless options for towels, and it’s normal to get confused while shopping for the best one. So, here in this blog, you are given some tips and tricks that will help you to shop like a pro in finding a high-quality towel.

An Ultimate Towel Buying Guide

Here are three essentials to consider before getting into a detailed concept.

  • Needs to dry quickly to be safe and free from bacteria and germs.
  • Select the size that matches your body size perfectly.
  • Needs to be soft to prevent your sensitive skin from rashes.

What To Consider?

Even if you have already set up the ideal color combinations and design patterns in your mind, you need to make sure the towels you buy are well-crafted and high-quality. It’s better to go for cotton towels because they are one of the strongest and most durable pieces of fabric. Besides the fabric, you also need to pay attention to its weight, size, absorbency, construction, sustainability, cleaning, and maintenance.


Cotton towels are one of the most popular and common pieces of cloth to wrap up the body around it. It is the softest, strongest, most breathable, and most absorbent fabric. Also, cotton fabric clothes are easy to clean, and care for, and are the most economical. Furthermore, cotton is a natural fabric that is free from chemicals which makes it skin-friendly even if you have highly sensitive skin.

Know Your Cotton

The next step is to know your cotton and the type of cotton fabric used to make your towels.

  • Egyptian Cotton– Hand-picked cotton from the plants ensures the purity of the fabric. No mechanical stress on plant fiber gives the straight and intact fibers. Egyptian cotton fibers are perfect for creating towels and are the fluffiest, softest, most durable, and breathable towels.
  • Organic Cotton- Cotton cropped from plants free from pesticides, fertilizers, and herbicides. Also, during manufacturing, no use of toxic chemicals makes it an organic product. Such fibers are highly skin-friendly for any sensitive skin.
  • Turkish Cotton– Long fiber cotton that is grown exclusively in a specific area of turkey. Such exclusive cotton fiber provides soft, lightweight, pieces of cloth which dry quickly.
  • Pima Cotton- Made of the finest, extra-long fibers, Pima is considered the world’s best cotton fiber. It offers strength, and softness, and is a highly absorbent, and ultra-luxurious piece of cloth.

The Design

The next step is to ensure how they are crafted. A well-crafted and supreme finish impacts the quality of your product.

  • Combed Cotton– Cotton is combed or brushed before crafting to remove the short fibers resulting in a durable, absorbent, and cloud-like product.
  • Ringspun Cotton- Both long and short fibers are tightly twisted resulting in the smooth yet strongest product. It offers comparatively more luxurious finishing.
  • Zero Twist- Long fibers are woven together without being twisted and broken. It provides a soft, light, and highly absorbent product.

The Size And Weight

  • Size– When you shop online or go to the market to buy your perfect towel, you get confused about which one to select. Sometimes you struggle with a bath towel that feels too small for your body size. In such cases, you probably need a bath sheet. There are several sizes of towels. From washcloths, hand towels, bath towels, and bath sheets to bath mat size. So, consider the one which fulfills your needs.
  • Weight– You probably have noticed that the same fiber towels can weigh differently. Generally, the towel is measured in grams per square meter and is known as the density. Overall, the weight of the towel is determined by the thickness of the fiber and the density of the fiber loop. The more they weigh, the denser they become which results in a highly absorbent towel. However, low weight does not mean low-quality products. They are just less fluffy but dry quickly and are used as multipurpose towels such as in the gym and kitchen.

The Absorbance And Thickness

The thicker the piece of cloth, the more it will absorb. However, there is no direct relation between both thickness and absorbency. But it depends on the stitching or woven pattern. The tighter the loops will be, the denser your towel will be and resulting in high absorbency. It will help you dry your body perfectly after the bath. Also, ensures strong and durable products.

Cleaning And Maintenance

Care is essential to maintain the fluffiness and absorbency of towels. Wash them in hot water to kill the bacteria. Always let them dry properly but not at high temperatures because it will damage the fabric. It is suggested that you always wash your white ones separately from colored ones to avoid discoloration and blunder. Also, prevent using chemicals and bleach to wash out dirt and stains from them. It can damage the fabric and decrease its lifespan.


Everyone has a different point of view to buy the best piece for them as per their personal needs and preferences. However, staying clear about what you need to consider while purchasing the perfect towel help in making the right decision.

Here, cotton is the perfect fabric to look for while buying towels. Additionally, there are several cotton types. You can explore the variety and choose the perfect one that fulfills your needs. Never forget to pay attention to factors like weight, size, and absorbency of the towel, no matter whether it is extremely fluffy or dries quickly. So, keep the tips in your mind and make the ideal purchase for yourself.

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