Why You Need To Know About Craze Lines On Teeth?

If you’ve noticed some faint, thin white lines on your teeth that just won’t go away, you aren’t alone. These are called craze lines, and they’re caused by tooth wear and the breakdown of the enamel layer (the outer protective layer) of your teeth. If left untreated, they can eventually become much larger and darker than they first appear. Here’s what you need to know about craze lines on teeth and how to treat them to prevent further damage and repair the enamel in some cases.
A Brief Intro To Craze Lines
Craze lines form when a tooth is fractured, either by trauma or through grinding. They typically take 2-3 months to fully heal depending on their severity. With continued wear and tear, the tooth may become permanently weakened and eventually have to be extracted. The best way to avoid this situation is through preventive measures such as wearing an appropriate mouth guard while playing sports or doing activities that put your teeth at risk for breakage.
How Long Do Craze Lines Last?
Craze lines are the white lines that show up on your teeth after wisdom teeth have come in. They usually take anywhere from 2-6 months before they disappear and with a little help, you can make them go away faster. There are ways that you can make crazing less noticeable such as eating softer foods, avoiding crunchy and hard things like apples or pretzels, brushing after every meal, and staying away from mints for a little while since they can irritate the gum line.
Age Of Teeth At First Appearance
For a lot of people, their teeth show signs of aging before they even reach their 30s. This is especially true for those who were born with teeth as a baby and had them taken out as they aged. The age that the dentin in your teeth starts to show through, or craze lines, can vary depending on when you lost your baby teeth.
Generally speaking, if your molars don’t have any grooves by the time you are five years old then it’s highly likely that you will have a significant amount of dental damage in the future due to cavities or gum disease; which ultimately leads to removal of the said tooth at some point down the line.
Inheritance Pattern Of Craze Lines
When someone has excessive chewing, the enamel on their teeth can wear down and create craze lines. To see if this is the case for you, pull out a dental mirror and examine your teeth. There may be wisdom teeth that need to come in before long as well. The good news is that it takes some time for craze lines to form, so you can use this as a warning signal before things get worse.
What Causes Craze Lines?
Craze lines can form in your teeth as a result of neglecting them or making mistakes when brushing. How long does it take wisdom teeth to heal? Typically, craze lines will appear following the death of a tooth and will usually disappear within two years.
How long does it take for wisdom teeth to heal? There are many reasons why you might have craze lines in your teeth, such as improper cleaning technique, lack of brushing time, decay caused by too much fluoride exposure, or brittle enamel. Regardless of the cause, you must know what they are and how they affect you so that you can get them taken care of quickly and safely.
Can They Be Treated?
Craze lines, or deep scratches across the teeth, are a common side effect of ill-fitting braces. In some cases, these scratches heal with time but in other cases, it may take years for these marks to disappear. If you would like your craze lines to fade more quickly, here are some things you can do:
1) Brush and floss your teeth regularly. One of the most effective ways to combat scratch marks is by properly maintaining your oral hygiene routine. Brushing after every meal will keep bacteria from clinging onto teeth that have been scraped raw by braces while flossing will remove any leftover food particles in hard-to-reach places. Practicing proper dental care habits could make a huge difference in how soon your case tooth scars disappear.
Prevention From Occurring In the Future?
There are some preventative measures you can take to avoid craze lines on teeth. After wisdom teeth are removed, have your dentist talk with you about preventing tooth decay and gum disease. These can develop as a result of wisdom tooth extraction because the immune system is weakened by the procedure. In addition, taking care of your mouth after surgery may also help stave off future dental issues: brush with water on the day following surgery and continue brushing your teeth until they fully heal. Finally, it’s important not just to brush after meals or snacks; flossing should be done every day for at least one week following surgery too.