sprüche und wünsche


Do you remember how it all started? 2009, the new virtual money that only a few people know about, $0.001 per coin, exorbitant ambitions, and an unknown future. Thus, a whole financial era was created, led by the first cryptocurrency – Bitcoin. ✅

Then it was difficult for users to imagine that with the help of bitcoins, which are not worth a penny, it will subsequently be possible to seriously earn money: on the growth of bitcoin, on resale, on the exchange of bitcoins for other digital or traditional currencies.

That this financial indigo will soon have an official website ENS names with millions of registered users, and the Internet will be teeming with articles with detailed instructions and videos on where and how to easily make money on bitcoins. That bitcoin will become the most desirable financial instrument and users on forums will discuss day and night where to earn bitcoins in Russia, how and with what tools, what is needed to increase their chances of success, and so on.

Few people at that time could believe that you can earn money on the Internet, and very solidly, that online earnings will soon become as familiar as office work, that those who earn on bitcoins are not fiction, but real people who are becoming more and more. In simple words, whoever was the first to believe in the prospects of cyber money earned the most.

It’s no secret that the cryptocurrency market is characterized by extremely high volatility. On the one hand, this makes it possible to earn on the difference in rates.

Cryptocurrency Rate

But such unpredictable behavior of the cryptocurrency rate only fuels interest in them. Everyone who invests in digital currencies wants to have Bitcoin in their portfolio, the most popular and expensive coin. But whether such an acquisition will make them happy or, on the contrary, upset, is difficult to predict. 🚩


In general, forecasting and planning in the field of electronic money is a thankless task . Yes, analysts study the market, monitor the behaviour of players, analyze the dynamics of the growth of all currencies, take into account external factors and make assumptions about what awaits us in 2023. But the potential wealth that digital currencies can provide is driving the world crazy.


But for this they worked hard at one time: they were not afraid to act and take risks, they urged their friends and acquaintances to also invest in cryptocurrency. Many of them say that at that time few people listened to them, calls went into the void, and posts on social networks gained one like. After a while, those who ignored cryptocurrencies bite their elbows. After all, now making money on cryptocurrency is not as easy as it used to be. 

Bitcoin mining

Now miners are becoming more and more inventive, using powerful specialized equipment. Bitcoin mining has become industrial scale, and the chances of an ordinary user to get bitcoin are reduced to zero.

If earlier it was easy to earn one bitcoin per day simply using the power of your PC, now an entire mining farm, stuffed with high-performance and expensive ASIC devices, is fighting for one cue ball.

But don’t worry , the party isn’t over yet. Bitcoin has a limited supply, and someday all coins will be mined. But while free bitcoins are still stored in the bowels of the virtual world, the race continues. And everyone can join it. The most interesting thing is that you can earn bitcoins without investments, the main thing is to know where and how. In the article, we will tell you in detail, with step-by-step instructions, about the most real ways to get bitcoins. 


Start earning on a referral program, it is enough to register on the website of a particular crypto service and get access to a special referral link, which includes a unique identifier. And if a new user came thanks to you, then the service will pay you a commission 


Let’s start with the most optimal and proven method – cloud mining. And don’t let the intricate name of this process scare you. Behind it lies nothing more than bitcoin mining on rented special equipment.

In fact, this is the same usual bitcoin earnings due to computing power, but using equipment rented from third-party services.

Cooperation occurs through the conclusion of a contract, under which the miner simply pays a certain amount for renting the program for a specified period (most often 2-3 years).


The attractiveness of cloud mining is as follows

No need to spend money on buying powerful equipment: computer, video card, etc.;

The equipment is installed somewhere, it does not need to be taken to your home and occupy living space ;

No need to pay huge electricity bills ;

No need to monitor the operation of the equipment around the clock, Connect Binance Smart Chain to MetaMask solve problems with the connection, control the correct cooling, or experience discomfort from a high noise level;

You don’t need to think about what you are doing, and at the same time, you can do something else useful, in other words, to earn income automatically.


To start mining coins through cloud mining, you need 

Among the many offers, choose a reliable service for cloud mining ( see our TOP-10 below );

Register on the site;

Top up your personal account ;

Select cryptocurrency and tariff ;

Use the services of the service and earn bitcoins.

As we have said, now many companies offer cloud mining services. But among them, there are many scammers who promise mountains of gold to users, but in the end, they simply cash in on their trust.

Therefore, it is important to work with proven and reputable services that have already proven themselves well .



As we have already said, in order to start making money on cryptocurrency, you do not have to be a millionaire and have a chest of money.

If earlier it was easy to earn one bitcoin per day simply using the power of your PC, now an entire mining farm, stuffed with high-performance and expensive ASIC devices, is fighting for one cue ball.

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