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Digital Marketing

How and why testimonials should be included on your website


Your website needs testimonials. While you must express your kindness, the fact that others have positive things to say about you adds even more value.

Be careful, however: the suspicion you have about other websites can be reproduced when others visit your site. Why? But why don’t they believe in you? You are not a reliable source.

Therefore consult with a digital specialist or expert before taking any step.



Let’s be honest: Would you trust a grandmother to claim that her grandson has the best looks in the world? She then appears out there to her offspring, and it is hard to believe that a grandmother is reliable. Because you have no distance. Because I have to hear you say you are excellent.

How can that be? If they know more about me than I do, how is it possible for them to do this? This is their great value. They are not you. They aren’t flawed. They are open to criticism.

Your product or service users will also feel more connected to you than they do with you. They buy, you sell. They are in the same situation. They feel empathy. They see. They see the same thing through the same prism.



The message of a satisfied client is more powerful than any other thing. He can convince anyone with just three lines of text, whether he is expressing gratitude or highlighting our strengths. We offer the following guidelines for asking for testimonials:


Do not ask for testimonials randomly

Clients should feel special. It is not possible to request testimonials from every client. These must be part of your communication strategy. You may want to increase a certain area of your business. You may also want to promote a particular service. You can choose what kind of testimonials you would like to get, and you should select clients who are happy with you.


Describe to them your proposal and what you require.

They need to know what you’re asking them. It is your testimony and your credibility that is at stake. They will recommend someone, and as with all of us, we want our words to be heard in the right way.


Make sure they know that concrete words have more value than abstract ones.

A standard testimony is void of meaning and full of generalities. However, the more personal and concrete the story, the greater its credibility. To help them understand your experience, send them three to four questions.


Keep it short

In most cases, three to four lines or five lines are sufficient.


Offer them something in exchange if possible

It doesn’t have to be money or consideration for services. We offer the chance to share your success stories in our case. We create a questionnaire and interview the client.

Then we talk about the client and tell them how they have made it in digital marketing. We also highlight their vision and talent. Finally, we publish it on our blog and share it with other networks. It’s a win/win. We promote their company and tell them how they are doing.

hey then tell us why we chose them, what the work process was like, and what we have done for them.

Don’t miss this chance and ask for feedback.

This is an opportunity for us to grow and improve. Your opinion is important in our case. They are project partners. They are good friends, but they also can see beyond our immediate surroundings and identify aspects that need to be rethought. They can be a mine.

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