4 Things You Can Do Yourself in SEO without Technical Knowledge
When it comes to search engine optimization, it is the most critical decision a person has to make for his website. Without SEO, a website is like a pea in a jar of peas. No one would get to know it. To make it stand out among other sites and rank better in search engines, people do SEO of their websites. It is a part of marketing. Seo is a technical process that requires algorithm and search engine knowledge. That’s why we hire SEO experts to do this job for us. However, there are certain parts of SEO that we can do ourselves, requiring little technical knowledge and skills. Below, we will briefly talk about four easy SEO processes you can perform yourself on your website to improve its ranking.
1. Image Optimization
Image optimizations play a vital role in the search engine optimization process. There are basically two things involved in the image SEO process. The first thing is that you don’t need to upload images. When we save a photo or capture it, its name automatically becomes something like Capture001. We need to edit the image name according to what’s in the image or the content topic. For example, a topic that says ten modern gadgets everyone must have in 2022 should have its featured image named the same as the blog post’s title. The pictures you use in your content should also have images named according to the picture. Moreover, add meta tags to your photographs that tell a user in text form what’s in the photo if your image fails to load.
2. Backlinks
According to Neil Patel, a digital marketing expert, backlinks are one of the primary sources to rank better in search engines. Google’s algorithm favors content that has high-quality backlinks. It conveys that your content is valuable enough that big websites have included your link in their content. However, you should never buy links or do stuff that is not natural as it’s against search engines and will penalize you if you do so. If you have made good content relatable to other blog posts, you can email website owners and briefly describe why they should consider your request to include your content link in their websites.
Moreover, you need excellent copywriting skills to pitch to established bloggers. However, you can write it yourself if you have good writing and convincing skills. In case you cannot, you can hire a copywriter. When you read other blog posts and get thoughts about it, you can comment below, but don’t do it forcefully; only do it if it’s worth doing. Don’t spam in their comment section by posting your website and blog posts.
3. Formatting of the content
Ask yourself! What kind of content do you read with more interest online? Does it contain straight written paragraphs, or does it include heading, sub-headings, and images? Content with headings, subheadings, and good font makes it good readable content overall. Search engines also favor such content against the content with no pictures, titles, subheadings, & bullet points. Ensure that you write easy-to-read content to perform better in search engines.
4. Long-form content
When writing blog posts for your website, it’s better to write at least 1000 words per blog post. Google supports such content that has a length to crawl through the content and index it properly, ranking it on top. Writing solely content is not a technical thing. You can write long-form content yourself and then hire an expert to add keywords and key phrases to your content to make it search engine optimized. This way, you will save money for hiring a content writer, and you’d only pay for an SEO expert for optimizing your content and website for better ranking. But if you find it challenging to write valuable and lengthy content, you need to hire a content writer to perform this task. Moreover, the daily posting of blog posts also helps in better ranking.
Final Words
Marketing does a lot for your website’s content promotion, but SEO does more than that. Seo is better than advertisements and marketing. Seo is free traffic, whereas marketing doesn’t give you permanent organic traffic. If you do good SEO, you will get traffic without spending a penny. However, the permanent word we used is subjective. If your content is top-ranked today on the search engine results page, it doesn’t mean it will remain on top a year from now. Organic search results perform better than paid advertisement results. Look at the screenshot below and tell which one you will click?
If your answer is the fourth result, you belong to the population that favors organic results instead of paid results. But marketing is also very essential, and you should not solely rely on SEO for your business promotion. Doing all these processes mentioned above will make your fundamental SEO better and help you rank better in search engines. However, you don’t have to settle on it only, as you’d need to do more things to excel. Hence, if you want a professional to do the rest of the SEO processes for your website, you can contact any good affordable SEO company. They will do the rest of the work for you.