10 Best Tools for Academic Researchers in 2022.

Today we use dynamic research to watch the videos, website browsing, study of analytics, and carry on our research by doing a survey of the vast digital content. This process holds the technology as a major stalk holder because it makes the research successful. It takes a lot of time and effort to find out the verified content from infinite websites and take out the only best stuff. Mentioned below are the 10 best tools for academic researchers in 2022.
Zotero is widely using as a reference management tool. It helps in the collection, arrangement, citation, and sharing of the research. Plus, it is very easy to use. Bibliographic data can automatically be fetched by Zeterobib from the articles of magazines, catalogs of libraries, journal manuscripts and sites such as Amazon.
It is really useful for the students wanting dissertation help UK as its services are completely free. It can rapidly create a bibliography in many citation styles. The source can be integrated by the use of URL, DOI, ISBN, arXiv ID, etc.
Tableau Public
If you want to visualize and then publish your data this software is right for you as it can be handled easily and it is free. This tool will help you to form interactive graphs, maps, and dashboards in no time. The visualization of your data can be saved in Tableau Public profile and it can be shared on the web anywhere you like. The latest software 2020.2 version is only available in macOS and Microsoft Windows.
Citation Gecko
This website finds papers from the seed papers. The disadvantage is papers can’t be exported to reference managers. Barney Walker developed this app which plays a big role in discovering literature. you just have to upload seed papers in it to visualize or fetch the research papers. It takes only a few seconds to fetch the papers. From the OpenCitation, this tool imports the references. There are different modes of visualizing the academic articles”
- Seed papers citing papers
- Seed papers cited by papers
It’ll be a good step to extract the RIS/BibTeX from the PDF file that is upload. You can easily import it into a reference manager.
Google Scholar
Google Scholar consists of scholarly research all around the world and helps find the relevant one. It is one of the biggest indexes containing scholarly materials from around the world.
Not only it is the world’s biggest index but also one of the latest and huge academic search engines.
It is not limited to a specific type. One can search about vast sources and disciplines may it be articles, thesis, books, patents,t or other scholarly materials. A lot of people working for a PhD dissertation proposal writing services use it for proper research.
One can find a variety of 390 million literature that are scholarly and they are of different disciplines which can be accessed easily. Moreover, it is also possible to reach both open and closed sources.
Google Dataset Search Engine
Whether it is free or paid, it will provide the results of the search depending on the license of formats like CSV, pdf, txt, JSON, images, and their source. It does not provide direct access to the data.
Government and institutions that research provide a lot of data which includes almost 2 million datasets from alone US government.
If you need a formatting document preparation system that is of high quality and obtains has features that are preparing for the documentation of technology and science then LaTex is the best place to visit. You’ll find a de facto standard of interaction and for the publication of documents that are scientific.
LaTex is considered to be better than a word as it is linked with a reliable program of typesetting, bibliographic, footnotes, images, captions tables, cross-references, and much more. Microsoft word has a lot of features as well, but it does not consist of all of them whereas LaTex has a better, flexible, aesthetic, and intelligent manner of carrying it.
Google Form
By the use of your Gmail account, Google form helps you to design any type of form you want, for example, feedback, surveys, etc. all kinds of surveys and respondents are supporting by Google Form.
OpenRefine (Erstwhile Google Refine)
Data cleaning job requires a lot of knowledge of programming even though the most important languages data cleaning are Python, R, and Julia and is a very difficult job for non-technical users.
So, for such users, OpenRefine is the best place as it requires no skills and is very easy to use. It is widely known as a powerful cleaning tool of data and is use by researchers’ librarians etc. Moreover; it provides reuniting services that clean the data after matching it with other resources. Furthermore, it clusters values to finish the dirt-free text fields. Additionally, it can also be transformed from one format to the other. You can easily explore huge data sets.
This site can work on Microsoft Windows, macOS. It is also available in languages more than fifteen. OpenRefine takes care of your privacy and keeps your dataset limited to your machine unless you allow it to share it further.
This software is supported by the University of Amsterdam, Netherlands. It is an open resource software and is free, flexible, and robust. Statistics easily be generat from the state-of-the-art tool easily into the APA format tables that can later be embedded in the document. SPSS is similar to the interface of this package. It can easily work on Microsoft Windows, macOS, and Linus.
Fatcat is an internet archive that is a public editable catalog of research publishing. Some of the examples are journal articles, preprints, conference proceedings, etc. the goal of this website is to improve the preservation state and reach the works by putting forward a manifest of the whole text content locations and versions. This search engine is also available in the beta version.